Pump Testing
When it comes time to do the job, the importance of a properly functioning pump is undeniable. Our annual pump test identifies the health of the apparatus and ensures peak performance.
During the pump test and inspection you will receive; engine speed check, pump shift indicator inspection, pump engine control interlock inspection, priming system test, vacuum, performance test and tank flow test. Upon completion, you will receive a detailed performance report.
Nozzle Testing
Nozzle testing will be conducted in accordance with NFPA 1962 5.1. Nozzle inspection will be completed, and any damages will be noted. Any nozzles with damages noted will be removed from service. It should be repaired and inspected prior to going back in service.
After visual inspection the nozzle will be hydro tested at 300 PSI or 1.5 times the manufacturers maximum operating pressure. Next, the nozzle will be flow tested. Nozzle shall flow no less than the rated pressure from manufacture and no more than 10% above.
Pump Engineer class
Our pump engineer class geared towards all experience levels of pump operators. We teach the basics of pump operations such as drafting and pumping from a hydrant to more complex problem solving such as, not being able to achieve a prime or managing pump pressure and friction loss.
The pump engineer class with include classroom and hands-on opportunities. Our goal is to help build the confidence of all of your personnel while operating the pump panel.

What we Offer

Matt Dunithan

Lindsey Dunithan

Brian Richcreek
Pump Mechanic

Nick Stickel
Pump Technician

Kyle Stamm
Pump Technician

Matt Stamm
Pump Technician

Travis Peak
About Us
Locally owned and operated, we specialize in providing annual fire pump testing services and equipment maintenance. Dunny's Pump Service was created in 2016 by Matt and Lindsey Dunithan. Lindsey graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Marketing and Matt was a career firefighter and Paramedic up until 2022 when he transitioned full time to Dunny's Pump Service. He is a certified Emergency Vehicle Technician (EVT). Along with Matt, all of our technicians follow the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1911 standard to ensure prompt and accurate results.
We take great pride in that our Pump Mechanic, Pump Technicians and Sales Representative are all full time firefighters. Our staff fully understands the importance of the services we provide, so your department can depend on your pumps when you get the call.


Contact Us
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm